Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Bible says a Messiah Created the world and all of us. The Bible says a Messiah would come. The Bible says a Messiah would be humanities' High Priest. The Bible says Messiah would return. Where is Messiah, how can Messiah be identified and located ?

Anyone can claim Messiah-ship, and many across the centuries have claimed Messiah-ship, 
but only One can prove it.

The Bible says a Messiah Created the world and all of us. 

The Bible says a Messiah would come. 

Messiah was to be born on Earth with dual natures but one identity
- born where and when ?

The Bible says a Messiah would be humanities' High Priest. 

The Bible says Messiah would return. 

Where is Messiah? If the Messiah is presently not on Earth 
- where is Messiah presently ? 

How can Messiah be identified and located ?
Since many Messianic Groups still believe that the criterion of being God's denominated chosen people still applies to a nation, instead of a spiritual movement, I will post this link.


Starting with the internet and typing in Messianic prophecies lots of hits come up.

Those links are provided here, they did the work of looking, each link is provide temporary reference to each prophecy about Messiah, once each set of the prophecies are referenced and Bible texts referenced that tie to those prophecies, the link will be deleted.

I do not put forth these links to agree with their theology, I post them to show the Scriptures prophecies of Messiah which they have catalogued.

What are Messiah's roles and duties ?  Will like all men before and after, will Messiah be a being having no existence before being created, or will Messiah be an Eternal Being who takes human nature into them self ?

Messiah is said to die and bear within all the vicariously carried sins of humanity, yet personally sinless.  Messiah is said to rise from the dead, and carry forward the work of High Priest, and Divine Judge, at what location and time or at what times does this occur?  Is one Person doing all this, even if done in stages, what is happening ?